Stalin wakes up one morning and walks onto his balcony to see the sun rise. “Good morning, Comrade Sun” he says. “And a very good morning...
A woman places an ad in the local newspaper, “Looking for a man with three qualifications: won’t beat me up, won’t run away from me, and...
An 88-Year Old Woman was interviewed by the local News after getting married for the fourth time… The interviewer asked her questions about her life, about...
A man walks into a bar and the bartender says, “If you can make that horse over there laugh, you can get free drinks for the...
This priest decided to skip church one Sunday morning and go play golf He told his assistant that he wasn’t feeling well. He drove to a...
4 beer company CEOs walk into a bar The CEO of Budweiser orders a Bud Light. The CEO of Miller orders a Miller Light. The CEO...
One day, a wife came home early and found her husband in their bedroom making love to a very attractive young woman. Naturally, she was very...
A student comes to a young professor’s office hours. She glances down the hall, closes his door, and kneels pleadingly. “I would do anything to pass...
All the organs of the body were having a meeting, trying to decide who was the one in charge. “I should be in charge,” said the...
A man comes home from a night of drinking with the boys. As he falls through the doorway of his house, his wife snaps at him,...