Jon left for a two day business trip to Chicago. He was only a few blocks away from his house when he realized he’d left his...
Teacher asks johnny Johnny, where’s your homework?’ Miss Martin said sternly to the little boy, while holding out her hand. ‘My dog ate it,’ was his...
A man boards a flight and is lucky enough to be seated next to an absolutely gorgeous woman. They exchange brief hellos and he notices that...
The boss of a big company needed to call one of his employees about an urgent problem with one of the main computers. He dialed the...
Old Josh was sat in his garden sunbathing in the deck chair when he noticed his grand-son kneeling on the lawn with a worm. When he...
A guy goes to the psychiatrist “Doctor,” says the guy, “I feel as if I’m two different people! Two totally different personalities!” “Do you think I...
Two young men were out in the woods on a camping trip, when the came upon this great trout brook. They stayed there all day, enjoying...
A man is at work one day when he notices that his co-worker is wearing an earring. This man knows his co-worker to be a normally...
A man answers the phone and has the following conversation: “Yes, mother, I’ve had a hard day. Gladys has been most difficult… I know I ought...
A wife was making a breakfast of fried eggs for her husband. Suddenly, her husband burst into the kitchen. ‘Careful,’ he said, ‘CAREFUL! Put in some...