A woman walks into a cafe with a stomach ache. After a while she realizes she needs to relieve herself, knowing her farts are loud, she...
A man is walking along a beach and finds a bottle. When he rubs the bottle, a genie appears and says, “I can grant you one...
An uneducated father with his educated son went for a camping they set up a tent and slept. Father gets up after sometime and asks his...
A young boy is pulling his wagon up a hill when one of the back wheels falls off and rolls down the hill. The young boy...
A man is filling up his car tank with gasoline and accidentally gets some on his hand. He doesn’t notice it, so when he gets into...
A drunk staggers out of a bar and runs into two priests He goes over to the first priest and says, “Dude, I’m Jesus Christ!” And...
A guy spots a sign outside a house that reads. “Talking Dog for Sale.” Intrigued, he walks in. “So what have you done with your life?”...
There was a plane and it had 5 people in it: a president, a lawyer, a young teenage boy, a priest and a blonde girl. The...
Two lawyers walking through the woods spotted a vicious looking bear. The first lawyer immediately opened his briefcase, pulled out a pair of sneakers and started...
A man walks into a bar and sits down. He asks the bartender, “Can I have a cigarette?” The bartender replies, “Sure, the cigarette machine is...
A man and a woman are sleeping together when suddenly there is a noise in the house, and the woman rolls over and says, “It’s my...
A wife comes home late one night and quietly opens the door to her bedroom. From under the blanket, she sees four legs instead of just...
There are three friends named Mad, Brain, and Fight. One day Fight went missing and his friends Mad and Brain started searching for him. Then Brain...
A woman is at a grocery store. She goes to the clerk to purchase her groceries. The clerk looks at her items and sees a carton...
Bob goes to see his friend Pete. He finds Pete in his barn dancing bared around his John Deere. “What are you doing!” asks Bob. Pete...
One day a duck walks in a store and ask the manager if they sell grapes. The manager says, “No, we don’t sell grapes.” The duck...