Three friends are in a hotel room in Soviet Russia. The first two men open a bottle of vodka, while the third is tired and goes...
A man orders a tomato soup at a restaurant.. As soon as waiter brings the soup he started yelling at waiter and ask him to taste...
A kindergarten teacher was observing the children while they drew. She would occasionally walk around to see each child’s artwork. As she got to Little Johnny...
A blonde cop pulls over a blonde and asks for her drivers license. The blond starts looking through her car then asks, “Uhh, what are they...
An shop owner is on his deathbed in hospital. His family comes to visit him as he his waking up from a deep sleep. He looks...
A young man was showing of his new sports car to his girlfriend she was thrilled at the speed. “If i do 200 km/h, will you...
A teacher is teaching a class and she sees that Johnny isn’t paying attention so she asks him, “If there are three ducks sitting on a...
A man places his tool in a crocodiles mouth in front of amazed onlookers. He assures the crowd that it is a well trained animal and...
A 65-year-old man walked into a crowded waiting room and approached the desk. The Receptionist said, ‘Yes sir, what are you seeing the Doctor for today?’...
Jesus walks into a bar He sees a Russian man with a glass of water. Jesus asks “My son, are you a believer?” The Russian replies...
A pregnant lady expecting triplets is tragically shot during a bank robbery. She was shot 3 times in the belly, and 1 bullet hit each of...
An old woman wanted to commit suicide. But she didn’t know where the heart is. So she decided to go to the doctor and ask where...
A man goes into a restaurant and is seated. All the waitresses are gorgeous. A particularly voluptuous waitress wearing a very short skirt and legs that...
A man who had spent his whole life in the desert visited a friend. He’d never seen a train or the tracks they run on. While...
A lady finally found her soulmate and calls her dad to tell him about it. The dad is smiling and eager to find out more about...
There was a farmer who absolutely loved his tractors. He collected all kinds of tractors and tractor memorabilia. The only thing he cared more for, was...