An old man walks into a jewelry store with a young blonde lady The clerk immediately thinks he is being taken advantage of due to the...
A lady goes to the bar on a cruise ship and orders a Scotch with two drops of water. As the bartender gives her the drink...
A grandson asked his grandpa one question while on the way back from school. Grandson: What is the difference between a wife and a girlfriend? Grandpa...
A man who drank alot was told by his wife “If you ever come home drunk again, I’m going to leave you”. Regardless, that night he...
While on a road trip, an elderly couple stopped at a roadside restaurant for lunch. After finishing their meal, they left the restaurant, and resumed their...
An overweight blonde consulted her doctor for advice The doctor said she should run ten miles a day for thirty days. This, he promised, would help...
A guy goes to the psychiatrist “Doctor,” says the guy, “I feel as if I’m two different people! Two totally different personalities!” “Do you think I...
Doctor and a lawyer in two cars collided on a country road. The lawyer, seeing that the doctor was a little shaken up,helped him from the...
A man calls home to his wife and says, “Honey, I have been asked to go fishing up in Canada with my boss and several of...
There once was a girl who wasn’t feeling very pretty so she went to a genie to make her pretty. The genie told her that to...
A jealous husband hired a private detective to check on the movements of his wife. The husband wanted more than a written report; he wanted video...
Bob works hard and spends most evenings bowling or playing basketball at the gym. His wife thinks he is pushing himself too hard, so for his...
During his annual checkup, the 80-year-old man excitedly tells his doctor that he has impregnated his much younger wife. Here’s how their conversation goes… Asked by...
I got chatting to a girl in a club. “Can I buy you a drink ?” I asked. “Have you not got a girlfriend ?” she...
With the help of a fertility specialist, a 65-year-old woman has a baby. All of her relatives come to visit and meet the newest member of...
The teacher asked little Johnny if he knew his numbers. “Yes,” he said. “My father taught me.” “Good. What comes after three?” “Four,” answered the boy....