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A man walks into a bar

A man walks into a bar and everybody turns to look at him.

He is the most handsome man any of them have ever seen.

Even the men can’t stop looking at him.

On his shoulder is a little man not even a foot tall.

He walks up to the bar and tells the bartender, would like to buy a round for the house, gives the bartender a hundred dollar bill and says keep the change.

The bartender pours drinks for everyone. and just as he pours the last beer.

The little man jumps off of the stranger’s shoulder. runs down the bar and kicks over every drink.

The man apologizes. gives the bartender a hundred dollars for the mess and asks him to pour everyone another drink.

This time he gives the bartender two hundred dollars and says keep the change.

Again the little man umps down and kicks over every drink.

So the stranger gives the bartender two more hundred dollar bills, apologizes and turns to leave.

Before he can go the bartender asks what `vas up with his behavior.

The man says, “Well I freed a faerie from a spider web and she gave me three wishes.

I asked to be the most handsome man in the world. and look at me.

I asked to be impossibly wealthy. and now I have a never-ending supply of dollar bills in my pocket.

Then I asked to have a to-inch prick.


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