A young boy knocked on my door on Halloween night and said, “Trick or treat?” I looked at him and asked, “What have you come as?”...
Mrs Ravioli comes to visit her son Rocco for dinner; he lives with a female roommate, Maria. During the course of the meal, his mother couldn’t...
A guy walks into a clinic to have his blood type taken. The nurse goes about taking the blood sample from his finger after finishing she...
A woman walked outside a doctor’s cabin after recently being diagnosed with cancer. She was grieved but tried to compose herself in front of her daughter,...
An old man walks into a jewelry store with a young blonde lady The clerk immediately thinks he is being taken advantage of due to the...
A lady goes to the bar on a cruise ship and orders a Scotch with two drops of water. As the bartender gives her the drink...
A grandson asked his grandpa one question while on the way back from school. Grandson: What is the difference between a wife and a girlfriend? Grandpa...
A man who drank alot was told by his wife “If you ever come home drunk again, I’m going to leave you”. Regardless, that night he...
While on a road trip, an elderly couple stopped at a roadside restaurant for lunch. After finishing their meal, they left the restaurant, and resumed their...
An overweight blonde consulted her doctor for advice The doctor said she should run ten miles a day for thirty days. This, he promised, would help...