A teacher asked her students to use the word “fascinate” in a sentence. Mary said, “My family went to the New York City Zoo, and we...
Two hikers were walking through central Pennsylvania when they came upon a 6 foot wide hole in the ground. They figured it must be the opening...
A woman comes home early, and finds her husband in bed with a girl. She is furious, threatens to kill them both the husband says: Believe...
A man phones home from his office and tells his wife: “Something has just come up. I have a chance to go fishing for a week....
Two hunters are lost in the woods. After wandering around for a couple hours they decide to weigh their options, one says: “I heard if you...
A guy had just returned from two weeks of vacation. He asked his boss for two more weeks off to get married. “What?” shouted the boss,...
A man suffered a serious heart attack and had bypass surgery. He awakened to find himself in the care of nuns at a Catholic hospital. As...
A Mom is driving a little girl to her friends house for a play date. “Mommy,” the little girl asks, “How old are you?” “Honey, you...
One day while doing door-to-door market research, this guy knocks on a door and is greeted by a beautiful young housewife. “Hello,” he starts, “I’m doing...
A kindergarten teacher was observing her classroom of children while they drew. She would occasionally walk around to see each child’s artwork. As she got to...