A band director was having a lot of trouble with one of his drummers. He talked and talked and talked with the drummer, but performance didn’t...
A farmer and his wife were laying in bed one night, the farmer feeling a little frisky, reaches over and gives his wife’s melons a little...
The teacher was teaching the kids about starvation. Being a good teacher,she decided to call on selected students to draw a picture of starvation on the...
A man with two buckets of fish was leaving a lake well known for its fishing and was stopped by a game warden. The warden asked...
A Midwest farmer was describing his lifestyle to a touring group of city folks. “One of the benefits of this profession,” he explained, “is that we...
A woman was in court for killing her husband. She said she wasn’t guilty and that she dearly missed him. In the closing statement, the woman’s...
A man and a woman were discussing the worst pain that anyone could possibly experience. The woman said: “Without doubt, there is nothing more painful in...
One day, Emma came home and asked her mother, Sarah, to speak in private. They sat down in the kitchen, and Emma took a deep breath...
A young boy caught sight of his mother changing one day and asked her what she had between her legs. “That’s something you’re never going to...
Mrs. Jennings began each vocabulary lesson by asking the students to use a word in a sentence. “Okay, class,” she announced, “who can use the word...