The new bride went crying to her mother. “Momma, I can’t get my husband to do anything. I want him to fix up the house, but...
A tornado hit a farmhouse just before dawn. It lifted the roof off, picked up the beds on which the farmer and his wife slept, and...
Three rats are sitting at the bar talking bragging about their bravery and toughness. The first says, “I’m so tough, once I ate a whole bagful...
A man is in a hotel lobby. He wants to ask the clerk a question. As he turns to go to the front desk, he accidentally...
A little boy fellow came in from playing in the yard, covered from head to toe in dirt, and asked his mother, “Who am I?” Thinking...
A salesman was trying to talk a farmer into buying a bicycle, but was meeting with considerable sales resistance. “Shucks, I’d sooner spend my money on...
A doctor just finishes his check-up with a man. Dr: I’ve got good new and bad news. Which do you want to hear first? Patient: I...
After being married for thirty years, a wife asked her husband to describe her. He looked at her for a while, and then said, “You’re A,...
Three drunks get into a taxi and tell the driver where to go. The driver has an idea of the address so he starts the engine,...
A couple of tourists were dining at a fine restaurant in Paris. After waiting for an hour, the husband finally was able to catch the waiter’s...