Jack goes to the doctor and says, “Doc, I’m having trouble getting my weapon self practice. Can you help me?” After a complete examination the doctor...
An elderly couple had been dating for some time. Finally, they decided it was time for marriage. Before the wedding, they went out to dinner and...
Little Johnny got kicked out of school today. The teacher asked him, “If I gave you twenty dollars. And you paid five dollars to Kate, five...
A guy wandered over to a beautiful woman in a bar and started chatting her up. Not too far into the conversation he said: “Do you...
This lady is shopping in a supermarket when she notices this handsome muscular boy doing the bagging at one of the checkouts. Making sure she goes...
A man walks into a dimly lit bar and the bartender asks him, “Why is the front of your shirt all bloody?” His customer answers in...
The tourist in London climbed into a cab and noticed by the license that his cab driver’s name was Winston Churchill. Trying to make conversation, he...
A little old lady sold pretzels on a street corner. The price of a pretzel was 25 cents. Every day a young man would leave his...
Three old men were talking about how much their hands shook. The first old guy said, “My hands shake so bad, that when I shaved his...
A man having lunch at a Chinese restaurant noticed that the table had been set with forks, not chopsticks. He asked why. The waiter said “Chopsticks...