The Santa Claus at the mall was very surprised when a young lady about twenty years old walked up and sat on his lap. Santa doesn’t...
A young blonde woman is distraught because she fears her husband is having an affair, so she goes to a gun shop and buys a handgun....
Two men arrive at the Pearly Gates at about the same time, both wanting to know if they will be admitted to heaven. St. Peter asks...
A blonde went to the hospital because her body hurt. She told the doctor that where ever she touched herself it would hurt. The doctor told...
A woman takes her 16-year-old daughter to the doctor. “Okay, Mrs. Jones, what’s the problem?” The mother says, “It’s my daughter, Debbie. She keeps getting these...
Little Johnny is in a class where every Friday the teacher asks a question and if you get it right you don’t have to go to...
Johnny wanted to have make love with a girl in his office, But she belonged to someone else… One day, Johnny got so frustrated that he...
A little boy comes down for breakfast and his mother asks if he had done his chores. “Not yet,” says the little boy. His mother tells...
One night, a drunk comes stumbling into a bar and says to the bartender: “Drinks for all on me including you, bartender.” So the bartender follows...
A woman phones up her husband at work for a chat. HIM “I’m sorry dear but I’m up to my neck in work today.” HER “But...