A woman announces to her friend that she is getting married for the fourth time. “How wonderful! But I hope you don’t mind me asking what...
A nun gets into a cab and the cab driver won’t stop staring at her. She asks him why is he staring and he replies, ‘I...
An old man goes to his doctor, complaining about a pain in his leg that doesn’t heal, and wants a diagnosis and explanation. The doctor checks...
A mother is cleaning her teenage daughter’s room when she finds a bondage magazine hidden under the bed. She shows it to her husband and asks...
An office exec was interviewing a blonde for an assistant position, and wanted to find out a little about her personality. “If you could have a...
A guy offers to buy a drink for an attractive young woman seated at a bar. She gives him the green light, so he goes to...
A guy was standing in a bar when a stranger walks in. After a while they get to talking and at about 10:30 PM the second...
A woman goes to the gynecologist for an exam. She puts her feet into the stirrups and the doctor begins his exam. After a moment, he...
Two men were shipwrecked near an island. When they landed ashore, one of them began screaming and yelling, “We’re going to die! We’re going to die!...
Two blondes were working on a house. The one who was nailing down siding would reach into his nail pouch, pull out a nail and either...