A guy offers to buy a drink for an attractive young woman seated at a bar. She gives him the green light, so he goes to...
A guy was standing in a bar when a stranger walks in. After a while they get to talking and at about 10:30 PM the second...
A woman goes to the gynecologist for an exam. She puts her feet into the stirrups and the doctor begins his exam. After a moment, he...
Two men were shipwrecked near an island. When they landed ashore, one of them began screaming and yelling, “We’re going to die! We’re going to die!...
Two blondes were working on a house. The one who was nailing down siding would reach into his nail pouch, pull out a nail and either...
There was this guy at a bar, just looking at his drink. He stays like that for half of an hour. Then, this big trouble-making truck...
A couple is in bed sleeping when there’s a rat-a-tat-tat on the door. The husband rolls over and looks at the clock, and it’s half past...
This guy walks into a bar with his golden retriever. ”Hey, can I get a drink on the house if my dog talks for you?” ”Dogs...
Two women are walking down the street when a mugger approaches them and demands their money. They both grudgingly pull out their wallets and begin taking...
One day a little girl was sitting and watching her mother do the dishes at the kitchen sink. She suddenly noticed that her mother had several...