A young couple got married and left on their honeymoon. When they got back, the bride immediately called her mother. Her mother asked, “How was the...
A plane crashes, and 3 men end up on an island that is home to a cannibal tribe The chief of the tribes says this “each...
A blonde walks into the library. She walks up to the counter, slams a book down and screams at the librarian, “This is the worst book...
One day Bill complained to his friend that his elbow really hurt. His friend suggested that he go to a computer at the drug store that...
While the pope was visiting the USA, he told the driver of his limo that he has the sudden urge to drive. The driver was a...
A group of girlfriends are on vacation when they see a 5-story hotel with a sign that reads: “For Women Only”. Since they are without their...
An Attorney was riding home in his limo and noticed two men sitting on the side of the road eating grass, he told his driver to...
A man goes into a greasy spoon-type cafe and he says, “I would like one of your special full English breakfasts”. “No problem.” Comes the greasy...
A married man was spending the afternoon with his girlfriend when she asked that he shave his beard. “I do like your beard, John, but I...
A farmer goes out and buys a new, young rooster. As soon as he brings him home, the young rooster rushes and done the damages with ...