A woman meets a man in a bar. They talk: they connect. They end up leaving together. They get back to his place, and he shows...
Two doctors were in a hospital hallway one day complaining about Nurse Jenny. “She’s incredibly dumb. She does everything absolutely backwards.” said one doctor. “Just last...
The seven-year old girl told her mom, “A boy in my class asked me to play doctor.” “Oh, dear,” the mother nervously sighed. “What happened, honey?”...
A woman is in labor, and the doctor comes in and says, “we have this cool new device that lets the father participate by feeling the...
A little boy opened the big old family Bible and with fascination, he looked at the old pages as he turned them. Then something fell out...
A little guy gets on a plane and sits next to the window. A few minutes later, a big, heavy, mean-looking guy plops down in the...
A Blonde Redneck Guy finds a lamp. He rubs it and a Genie emerges. The Genie tells him he will be granted three wishes. The Guy...
A newlywed couple moves into their new house. One day, the husband comes home from work and his wife says: “Honey, in the upstairs bathroom one...
A man stumbles up to the only other patron in a bar and asks if he could buy him a drink. “Why of course,” comes the...
A blonde arrived for her first golf lesson and the pro asked her to take a swing at a ball to see how she’d do. The...