A man returning home a day early from a business trip, got into a taxi at the airport after midnight, and while en-route to his home,...
A woman was cleaning her husbands dresser drawers when she found 3 golf balls and a box with $2000 in it. She waited for him to...
A guy enters a bar carrying an alligator. He says to the other patrons, “Here’s the deal. I’ll open this alligator’s mouth and insert my genitals....
An old geezer got bored in retirement and decided to open a medical clinic. He put up a sign that said “Dr. Geezer’s clinic: Get your...
One Sunday a cowboy went to church When he entered, he saw that he and the preacher were the only ones present. The preacher asked the...
A mother takes her daughter to a clinic She tells the doctor that her daughter has been having terrible nausea in the morning, lost her appetite,...
A couple decide to take their young daughter to zoo one weekend. While standing around the elephant exhibit the little girl notice that the big bull...
A Husband was a bit embarrassed and told the Doctor he had trouble getting an self enjoyment with his Wife and she was getting frustrated. The...
A woman came up behind her husband while he was enjoying his morning coffee and slapped him on the back of the head I found a...
A kangaroo at the zoo kept getting out of his enclosure every night. Knowing that mature kangaroos could hop very high, the zoo officials replaced the...