An old man lived alone. His only son was in prison. The old man wrote a letter to his son. Dear Son, I am feeling pretty...
Me and my two brothers wanted to give my grandma nice birthday gifts. My two brothers, both more wealthy than me, bought a brand new car...
So I wake up and my dog is laying on the back patio covered in dirt with a rabbit in her mouth. The rabbit’s not bloody,...
Young boy gets suspended from school. His mother was furious, and yelled ” “What did you do this time?!” The boy said all I did was...
Two old farmers are talking I’ve got this one bull with no stamina whatsoever. I can’t get him to mate for nothing,” one farmer lamented. “I...
A man took his pregnant wife to the hospital. The doctor looked her over and told them it would be a rather difficult delivery. He offered...
I paid a visit to an art gallery today and saw an exquisite piece of art. It was of a fox. Every stroke on the painting...
Today I went to the children’s daycare for my first day of work there. When I walked in a kid asked if he could have an...
Mickey Mouse steps into lawyers office to review divorce with lawyer Mickey: I need to get out of this marriage! Minnie ruined my life. I’ve paid...
My buddies and I where out for a night on the town. We ended up at a high end bar with a dress code. All my...