Joe had suffered from really bad headaches for the last 20 years. He eventually decides to go and see a Doctor. The Doctor says, ‘Joe, the...
A guy asks a girl to go to a dance. She agrees, and he decides to rent a suit. The rental has a long line, so...
A farmer and his donkey take the train to the big city. The farmer refuses to leave the donkey behind because he distrusts his neighbors, so...
A rich man had depression so he went to the store and bought a toy to have fun. When he came home his mother asked “are...
An engineer was trying to design the world’s fastest car. An engineer was trying to design the world’s fastest car. So he could keep track of...
There was an island with three kingdoms on it. Let’s call them A, B and C. The island had a fresh water lake on it and...
A Sunday school teacher was talking about Heaven, and decided to pose a question to her class. She called on Suzi first. Teacher: “Suzi, which part...
A lawyer wanted to buy an apartment for his family, but kept being denied by landlords because he had 8 kids. People keep telling him to...
A man is flying in a hot air balloon and realizes he is lost. He reduces his altitude and spots a man down below. He lowers...
Steve got a job as a lumberjack and on his first day his boss gave him a chainsaw. “here you go. now get to it.” Steve...