A Husband and Wife are in church listening to a very long and drawn out sermon After quite a bit of time, the wife gets tired...
An elderly couple, both widowed, discussed marraige after dating a while… They discussed finances, living arrangements, and finally they came upon the subject of marital relations...
A passenger tapped the taxi driver on the shoulder to ask him a question The driver screamed, lost control of the car, nearly hit a bus,...
A man walked into the produce section of his local supermarket and asked to buy a half head of lettuce. The boy working in that department...
Two guys are walking down the road with their dogs, one guy has a doberman and the other has a chihuahua, when they come across a...
If you let me touch your wife’s bum and smack it, i will pay you $100,000 says a guy to his best friend. His friend gets...
A teacher is explaining biology to her 3rd grade students. She explains that humans are the only animals that can stutter. A little girl in the...
A married man was having an affair with his secretary. One afternoon, they took off for her house where they made passionate love for hours. Exhausted...
This young 18 year old young man walks into a drugstore nervously and after hesitating, summons the courage to approach the pharmacist at the counter and...
A Priest and a Rabbi are very good friends so they decide to go to a remote lake for a swim. Of course they’re swimming unclothed,...