A doctor tells an old couple At his office he needs to get a stool sample, a urine sample, and a blood test from the old...
A bared statue of a woman and a man stand in a park at night. Suddenly from out of nowhere, a magical genie arrives and grants...
One day in the forest, 3 guys were just hiking along a trail when all of a sudden, a huge pack of Indians attacked them and...
There were five people aboard an airplane having engine trouble getting ready to crash, however, there were only four parachutes. Everyone wondered what should be done...
Two blondes walk beside each other down the street. One of them sees a broken piece of mirror on the ground, grabs it, looks at it...
A taxi passenger taps the driver on the shoulder to ask him a question. The driver screams, loses control of the car, nearly hits a bus,...
A brunette, redhead, and blonde are stranded on the edge of a cliff. An angel appears and instructs them to jump off the cliff and say...
Three guys travel to Saudi Arabia and get lost. They walk into a tent that they think was the one they rented, but actually belongs to...
Two guys are standing in line to enter heaven. One turned around and asked the other how he died. “I froze to death. How about you?”...
A child goes to his father and asks, “Father, how do parents think of names for their children?” The father answers, “Well, son, the night before...